Sunday, 6 April 2008

Site survey and analysis

1. Site access: pedestrian and vehicular 2. Site circulation: pedestrian and vehicular 3. Site activities: density of pedestrian/vehicular activities over a day 4. Site programme: types of programmes around the site 5. Site Topography 6. Solar Diagram 7. Wind Diagram 8. Rainfall Diagram 9. Site limitations: building codes, planning regulations, or existing structures…etc 10. Green/Opens spaces 11. Existing Infrastructures 12. Current population survey: age group, income level, education level…..etc. 13. Figure / Ground Relationship 14. Transportation systems: subways, bus, taxi, parking…etc 15. Day Light / Shadow Analysis Here are 15 points for your site analysis. You should be able to produce more then 30 diagrams. If you have more specific diagrams to do for your particular site, please feel free to do so.

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