- step1 : create an account on Youtube.
- step2 : export your video in 640x480 mpeg4 or quicktime with low mp3 audio
- step3 : upload the file to your Youtube account
- step4 : paste a link directly on this blog with embeded player
- "[S]-sitename+yourname" for the video about your site you made for Eddy
- "[M]-videoname+yourname" for the video you made for Marie
Video "non-lieux"
Place Maillot, située porte Maillot entre le 17ème et Neuilly sur l'axe La Défense - L'Arc de Triomphe. La place est encerclée de voitures, les accès y sont très mal indiqués et les gens aboutissent ici par hasard. Le plus souvent, il s'agit de touristes perdus.
''Place maillot'' is a square located between the 17th district of Paris and Neuilly.
Situated on the ''defense / arc de triomphe'' axis. The square is surrounded by cars traffic. The accesses are very poorly marked and people come here by chance. Most often, they are lost tourists.
Sorry for my english
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